Monthly Archives: October 2016

Exhibition Opening

After many months of hard work by artists and volunteers, WE: The Ex Warner Estate in Waltham Forest opened to the public on 28 October. The private view was packed with former and current residents of the estate, local residents and artists. Lucy and Katherine gave a speech, along with a lovely speech by the last manager of the estate, Roger Dear. Thanks to all who attended. The exhibition is now open to the public until 19 February 2016. Vestry House Museum Vestry Road London E17 9NH Wed-Sun 10am-5pm 020 8496 4391 Free entry

Day 3 of 4 of Installation

After three days of painting, measuring and hanging the exhibition is starting to take shape! We have a lovely team of volunteers who have worked so hard to help! Thank you to them all.

BBC Radio London interview

Thanks to Jo Good on BBC Radio London this afternoon for having Katherine Green on to talk about the upcoming WE exhibition at Vestry House Museum. During the show Jo got loads of calls and texts from Ex Warner residents sharing their memories! You can listen again online at the BBC website or via iPlayer. The Warner Estate item starts at 2 hours, 5 mins.

232 Markhouse Road, Walthamstow

Today we received more fantastic photos from a family who are now in Chepstow but previously lived in 232 Markhouse Road. Susan’s father was a photographer and used to develop his own photos in the bathroom of their flat. By the time we received these we had already finalised and agreed all of the exhibition layouts, but these were so good we managed to squeeze one into the exhibition. We’re very grateful to Susan for getting in touch. Susan said of this photo: “Found this photo of my sister and I, about 1952, reaching up for apples from Mr and […]

Courtesy of Susan Cave

Article in The Times

Thanks very much to Richard Morrison for the great article in the Arts page of The Times today. If you’re not a Times subscriber you can access two articles a month for free if you sign up.  

Courtenay Road, WW1 Street Party, courtesy of Vestry House Museum

Photographs all sent to print

Really exciting to start collecting the prints from The Printspace, this is the first batch of photos we’ve collected from former residents. Now we’re off to Pictorem for framing! The exhibition is starting to come together.

Prints from the Printspace

Markhouse Road photos

During our last memory session at Vestry House Museum, we met a former Warner resident whose mother, now 92, was born in a Warner property in 1924. We met Florrie Coster the following week to record her oral history. She had a fantastic collection of photographs of her family’s long association with the area including a Coronation Party in Wetherden Street and this beautiful photograph of her children in the 1950s.

Markhouse Road, courtesy of Florrie Coster