Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Maps

Alongside the launch of the new mobile phone app, Sara Carneholm has designed a new fold out map. Available from Vestry House Museum, William Morris Gallery, the Mill and several local cafes. Thanks to Jo Parker for the photo.

Ex-Warner Project fold out map

Walthamstow Historical Walk

Today the volunteers took part in an inspiring and informative walk around the Warner Estate led by Neil Houghton of the Walthamstow Historical Society.

Marysa Dowling photography workshop

Photographer Marysa Dowling ran a fantastic workshop for volunteers today. Marysa’s participatory artistic practice is rooted within portraiture and concerned with human behaviour, exploring and observing how people communicate and relate to each other and the places they live. She has been commissioned to produce work for publication and exhibition by Belfast Exposed, Tate, The Whitechapel Gallery, The Photographers’ Gallery, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Courtauld Gallery and Barnardo’s children’s charity. She is currently undertaking a project for Tate.

End of an era

We’ve come to the end of the time we scheduled to spend on interviews and photographs, although we still have a long list of people we would have liked to have included. Hopefully there will be other chances to continue this in the future. We’ve met some wonderful people and seen inside some amazing properties. Also we’ve heard a bit from the other side, people who worked for Warner’s and those at Circle 33 who have been involved with managing and refurbishing the ex-Warner rented properties. It’s fascinating to find the traces of the Warner Estate around Walthamstow, including this […]

Long term Warner residents

I’m spending my days and evenings meeting people who live in Warner properties, recording them talking about their homes. Several of the people who have got in touch so far have lived in the same place for many years- in one case, a lady who lives in the same flat she was born in in 1933, having left home for only a few years before returning after her father died. It’s struck me that there are quite a few people in Walthamstow who have only ever lived in Warner properties, some of them having rented from the Warners and stayed […]