Monthly Archives: February 2014

Long term Warner residents

I’m spending my days and evenings meeting people who live in Warner properties, recording them talking about their homes. Several of the people who have got in touch so far have lived in the same place for many years- in one case, a lady who lives in the same flat she was born in in 1933, having left home for only a few years before returning after her father died. It’s struck me that there are quite a few people in Walthamstow who have only ever lived in Warner properties, some of them having rented from the Warners and stayed […]

Scratching the surface

Delivering flyers about the project door-to-door around the Ex Warner properties, has been a great opportunity to start looking closer. I’ve begun to look for even the tinniest evidence of the Warner estate past, and even with many layers of over paint and intervening years, it’s often possible to glimpse a former identity hidden beneath. KG

Warner green

Now I’ve started noticing it, I can see the original Warner green paint everywhere. The doors and window frames used to be yellow and green and were repainted annually by the Warner company. Now the properties are in mixed ownership there is no standard colour and most of the doors and windows have been replaced. Some people keep their doors that colour, but I keep noticing other details too, iron grilles, gutters and drains that have the old green on them, even my own door frame got a bit scratched and underneath I could see the green showing through. LH

Photographs in the sunshine

Had a good day yesterday trying to find the locations included in the 1903 album by Bedford-Lemare that we are studying for the project. It was great to finally work out which trees were still there, which windows we can still recognise, and to track down the places where they must have been standing when they took the photos. Occasionally we would spot a person we hadn’t noticed before- shopkeepers standing in the doorways or an old man in his garden. LH